Honor Flight Network

Honor Flight of the Quad Cities announces additional requirements for 2025


Honor Flight of the Quad Cities announces additional requirements for 2025


MOLINE, Ill. (KWQC) – The Honor Flight of the Quad Cities announced additional requirements for 2025.

The organization says they have been informed by the TSA that for all future flights, every veteran and their guardian will be required to have a “Real ID” or a passport to board the plane.

A Real ID is a driver’s license or state issued ID card with a star in the upper right hand corner.

The organization asks the public to help get this information to veterans who have not yet gone on an Honor Flight. Check with your state to see requirements to get a real ID and maybe accompany a veteran to accomplish the task.

Honor Flight of the Quad Cities also said they are in need of guardians to spend the day with a veteran as they fly to DC. Prospective guardians can learn more at www.honorflightqc.org and submit an application.

The organization says they are planning three flights for 2025.